Capacities for large projects have been already sold out in the first quarter of the year, additional ones will be used for distributors and self-sufficiency projects
After BISOL Group spent almost the entire first quarter of last year upgrading its production facilities to the level of industry type 4.1, and after many COVID epidemic-related challenges with ensuring workforce, lack of raw materials and supply chain disruptions, this year's sales show record results.
High quality of European-origin solar components, security of supply and customer support are gaining in importance globally. As the only Slovenian and one of the few European manufacturers of solar modules, BISOL is already present in almost 100 countries worldwide. The quality of BISOL photovoltaic modules and their popularity around the world is also proven by the prestigious Top Brand PV Seal, for which we will also qualify this year.
BISOL is the reason why Slovenia is the only country in The European Union that exports more photovoltaic modules than it imports. President and co-founder of the BISOL Group dr Uroš Merc:
“We are especially pleased with this year's business. As a Slovene, I am extremely proud to have such a flagship in the field of renewable resources, which we have been building with effort for 18 years.”
In BISOL Group, we attribute our success to the knowledge of the market, raising customer awareness on the importance of quality of solar components, which present long-term investments. Investors are increasingly opting for recognized and reliable but rare European manufacturers, that respect human rights and whose production is free of forced labour.